Tuesday, 12 April 2011

How do we start making ripples?

All you need is a little flame to start a fire.

A little tiny flame and you could end up with a bonfire. That metaphorical bonfire could be a marriage or a new job or a new home in Hawaii ! Never mind a best selling book or a teaching post in one of the countries finest universities.

Now I am not saying that you don't have to do anything, of course you do.You have to tend the fire to make sure it doesn't go out but first you have to light the fire in the first place.

So how do you do that?

I go back to a word I used earlier in this blog. A very important word.


Communication is the key to lighting your fire, it is the metaphorical equivalent to using a match. So the next part of the blog is going to be concerned with methods of communication, the way in which you can actually throw a stone to make a ripple.

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